
Client #: 53025052

生まれ年 1978
国籍 トルコ人
居住国 カタール
上記に何年から住んでいますか 2008
身長 190cm
体重 77kg
髪の色 Brown
目の色 Hazel
結婚歴 Divorced
仕事 Airline Captain
その仕事を始めたのは何年ですか? 2004
学歴 University ( Aviation College, BSc.)
語学 English, German, Turkish
宗教 Islam
性格 / ライフスタイル
趣味や興味 Traveling, hiking, swimming , scuba diving, fitness, skiing ( average ), nature related activities
いつか子どもが欲しいですか Yes
既に子どもがいますか Yes - 2 children, daughter is 12 years old and son is 8 years old. I am supporting them.
タバコを吸いますか No
自分自身の性格をどう思いますか I am generally kind and calm but my personality might be a bit more on the serious side. I am not a very extrovert person.
貴方にとって最も大切な事とは何ですか Trust, Loyalty, Honesty, communication (no assumptions), Problem solving as a couple if necessary, love and happiness will be the fruit of the above in my opinion.
今までに訪れた国 Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, China, South Korea, Vietnam, Russia, U.A.E., Egypt, Tunis, Algeria, Morocco, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, USA, Canada and more :)
将来、貴女のパートナーとなる人に、交際が進展する前に、是非知っておいて貰いたい事があれば下記で説明して下さい。 I do not drink and I do not smoke. I expect the same from my partner. I do not consume pork due to religion also. I am not a very religious person, so do not be worried please. I am trying to live a healthy lifestyle, in order to be able to maintain my health and work until retirement age.
貴女の将来の希望や計画はどんなものですか? A second chance in life with the right person this time hopefully.
貴女の将来のパートナーへのメッセージ。 I am looking forward to meet the right person and I can provide the tickets to fly :)