



名前 Logan

日本人女性との結婚を望む欧米人男性 この男性会員にコンタクトをご希望の方はここをクリック

会員番号: 52128376

生まれ年: 1989

国籍: オランダ人

居住国: オランダ

上記に何年間住んでいますか: 22

身長: 177cm

体重: 60kg

髪の色: Brown

目の色: Green

結婚歴: Unmarried

仕事: Salesman

勤続年数: 4

学歴: VET (higher education); IQ 128

語学: Dutch and English, want to learn Japanese

趣味や興味: Hobbies: Archery, Snowboarding and running; Interests: Psychology, philosophy, Alternative Healing, Martial Arts, Computers, Music (Guitar and Keyboard)

いつか子どもが欲しいですか: Yes

既に子どもがいますか: No

タバコを吸いますか: No

自分自身の性格をどう思いますか: I'm a warm person who can look cold at times.
I love to talk but also love to listen. I'm always full of ideas but only make them real if it's realistic. I’m introvert acting/reacting as an extravert person. Love it when my girlfriend just shows that she loves me without using words at times but just through the way she responds to me. Glance in her eyes of just a hug… You know… Little things. I think a lot about every thing in life.

貴方にとって最も大切な事とは何ですか: Work: Creating a school which involves Japanese Martial Arts (should be the biggest thing in Europe); Personal life: Love, Affection. Everyone needs somebody to love. I also need somebody to protect and care for.

今までに訪れた国: Belgium, France, Germany and China. Of course I'm planning on going to Japan but need to be able to take all the time I want.

将来貴方のパートナーとなる人に交際が進展する前に是非知っておいて貰いたい事がありますか: I'm a bit picky on looks. I could say I’m not but I rather be honest about it. But besides looks I really want someone how connects with me.
I’m a religious guy but I’m having a free mind about a lot of stuff. I don’t mind you having some other religion but I want us to respect
each other and be able to talk about our own religion. If you don’t want children than I don’t think we will match. For the rest. Just ask me
and I will be glad to answer all your questions.

貴方の将来の希望や計画は どんなものですか: Finding someone special and creating my dream: International Martial Arts Boarding School (Japanese, Chinese and Korean Martial Arts)

貴方の将来のパートナーへのメッセージ: 'm really a good guy with my heart on the right place. I'm not the riches men and don't really care that much for money. Just want to share my “average” life with someone I love.











もし、会員期間中、休暇や仕事で海外に出かける機会ができたなら、早めにTMAにスケジュールをお知らせ下さい。 男性会員に向けて「スペシャルインフォメーション」として、貴女のプロフィールと訪問スケジュールをお知らせします。 沢山の男性会員に一斉メッセージを送りますので、出かけた先で実際に会う機会を得る貴重なチャンスです。又、男性会員 来日の際には、女性会員に「スペシャルインフォメーション」として、男性会員のプロフィールと滞在スケジュールを お知らせしていますので、身近な場所で会えるチャンスも広がります。



