Client #: 53226053

生まれ年 1969
国籍 アメリカ人
居住国 アメリカ
上記に何年から住んでいますか 2019
身長 180cm
体重 90kg
髪の色 Black
目の色 Hazel
結婚歴 Single
仕事 Private Sailor & Chief Investment Officer
その仕事を始めたのは何年ですか? 2014
学歴 Master’s Degree, Ph.D., and bachelor’s degree
語学 English, French, and Japanese
性格 / ライフスタイル
趣味や興味 Horseback-riding, swimming, snowboarding, basketball, reading, surfing, skating, traveling, and hiking
いつか子どもが欲しいですか Yes
既に子どもがいますか No
タバコを吸いますか No
自分自身の性格をどう思いますか Charismatic yet reserved, confident yet humble, I’m unattached, independent, and single. I support myself with my work and I lead quite a comfortable life. I’m dependable, very friendly, polite, empathetic, curious, and optimistic. I’m very active.
貴方にとって最も大切な事とは何ですか Family; love; health; respect; culture; work; play; good humor; manners; fitness. Being alive is important to me in in general. I spend time with people of different interests, professions, ages. I teach and learn all the time.
今までに訪れた国 Canada, South Korea, Australia, Finland, France, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, China and Singapore
貴女の将来の希望や計画はどんなものですか? to understand her and care for her, and respect her, as we both sincerely love each other. I hope to find a woman to love with all my heart and to spend the rest of my life with her. She is willing to share her life with me also, and both of us can together to build, share a happy and enviable home!
貴女の将来のパートナーへのメッセージ。 My ideal woman is confident, but not vain or arrogant. She does not smoke and she's health conscious. She has a grace, a demeanor, that is remarkable. She's wit, style and sense of humor are effortless and natural. My ideal mate does not try to be something else. She simply is who She is. Honesty!